Can You Rise Above Church Rivalry and Focus on Advancing the Gospel?

Oct 03, 2024

Proverbs 11:2: “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”


“The fundamental difference between wisdom and prophecy lies in the nature of wisdom as a skill or the ability to live well, whereas prophecy conveys direct and specific information from God addressing a particular situation.”


It drives me crazy to see churches competing with each other. We are on the same team. There is far too much in-fighting. One group criticizes another because we use different words, do things a bit differently, or disagree over some relatively minor points. Get over it.


The drivers for this kind of behavior are selfish ambition, envy, and rivalry. Paul says, “It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill” (Philippians 1:15).


Paul rose above the fray to focus on what matters: the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s not throw rocks. Let Christians come together. God can use people with wrong motives to advance the gospel. He can even use you and me. Let’s not be jealous of other Christians or compete with them. It’s so easy to fall into the comparison trap. How come more people go to her Bible Study? That youth group? That business? Does it bother you when others are praised, promoted, and more recognized than you?


Paul does not care who has what titles or whose ministry is more significant. In spite of everything, Paul rejoices. Honestly, I probably would have been discouraged in prison and mad at the rival leaders, but not Paul. Paul rejoices because the gospel of Christ is advancing. Even when we are in chains, and people are attacking us, we can rejoice if we focus on advancing the gospel because that is what really matters.


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