Graduation 2024 Season: What We Want For Our Graduates

May 23, 2024

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8 (NIV)

"Paul’s wisdom Christology is a dynamic concept, as shown by the emphasis on Christ’s activity in creation in Col. 1:15ff. and in redemption in 1 Cor. 1:24, 30. The latter verses affirm that in the crucifixion, God made Jesus our wisdom, a wisdom further defined as embracing righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. As the slain yet exalted Lord of the church, he is lauded for wisdom (Rev. 5:12). ‘Receive’ in this verse implies acknowledgment of attributes that are already Christ’s; for in him ‘are hid all the treasures of wisdom’ (Col. 2:3)." [1]

Purity on the Inside

The basic meaning of the Greek term katharos (purify) is to cleanse from dirt, filth, and contamination. The Greek term was often used of metals that had been refined until impurities were removed. In that sense, purity means unmixed, unalloyed, unadulterated. A pure heart is undivided, with no mixture of motives, showing a single-minded passion for God. The person with an unclean heart cannot truly see God. Their heart is clouded by impurity, foggy, and they are far away from Him.

In the New Testament, the heart is not just a place of emotion but is the center of who we are. We are to be pure inside. To be pure in heart is to be uncompromisingly dedicated to Jesus Christ! We are to be all-in, sold out, holding nothing back, totally devoted to Jesus with no shadow of anything else that distracts us—pure in our hearts as we live for God.

This is the way to truly see God. Since we can’t see something that is far away from us, to “see God” is to be near to Him. Seeing God is perceiving, understanding, and sensing who He really is. The reward of the undivided heart is a vision of God. I want so much to see God. Perhaps purity is the place God has for you to focus.

[1] Hubbard, D. A. “Wisdom.” Ed. D. R. W. Wood et al. New Bible dictionary 1996: 1245. Print.


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