Koinonia: More Than Just Fellowship

Sep 12, 2024


1 Corinthians 2:13, "This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words."    


"Human wisdom, in the Hebrew conception, is thus a development of the mind, an expansion of knowledge, and an understanding of the meaning of life and how that life must be lived. It is thoroughly intellectual but has powerful moral content. Wisdom was not sought for its own sake, but always for its application to the meaning of life, for life-like wisdom—was God's gift." [1]



"In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Philippians 1:4-5


The word for partnership is koinonia, often translated as fellowship. A rich word, koinonia, can express a practical partnership and a personal relationship. In 2 Corinthians, Paul used koinonia to describe the financial gift the Philippians sent to care for his needs. Paul was so proud of the Philippians for their generosity that he used them as a model for other churches.


This is a real and practical partnership of true friends expressed in tangible financial investment. Part of the reason Paul wrote this letter is to thank them for their financial support for the gospel. Koinonia, though expresses more than financial partnership; it is also a deep friendship and a mutual commitment to Christ's cause.


In verse seven, Paul uses a version of the word koinoia when he says they "share" in God's grace with him. When you work with others, you often create a bond with your coworkers. For instance, if you work in a restaurant, it's common to have a deeper bond with your coworkers than with your customers. The church is not a group of customers, but coworkers united to bring the gospel to the world.


 Paul is talking about a brotherhood, like teammates on a basketball team, like soldiers serving in battle together. Joy comes from uniting in Christ for his great global cause, the gospel. It will be costly, but it is worth it to join this team, this squad, this fellowship, and this partnership.


I am so grateful, so thankful, for you, for the partnership we share in the great mission of Jesus Christ our Lord.


[1]Elwell, Walter A., and Barry J. Beitzel. "Wisdom, Wisdom Literature." Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible 1988: 2149–2150. Print.


[1] Tony Merida and Francis Chan, Christian-Centered Exposition, Holman Reference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2016, 26


[2] Tony Merida and Francis Chan, Christian-Centered Exposition, Holman Reference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2016, 26


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