Paul’s Powerful Perspective: Finding Joy in Chains

Sep 26, 2024

Ephesians 1:17, "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better."


Character formation is at the heart of true wisdom; as M. Fox (620) states, "Wisdom is a configuration of soul; it is moral character. And fostering moral character, it is no understatement to say, is at all times the greatest goal of education." [1] 


Advance in Prison


Paul's letter to the Philippians is different from other ancient prison letters. Notice what Paul does not say that I might have written in today's terms. "Hey guys, please contact all your political leaders and get me out of here. It's horrible. The food is terrible. The guards abuse us. I'm lonely. Please send letters and money."


Instead, Paul comforts them. He does not focus on his situation at all but on Christ and the Philippians. He knows they may be discouraged that their leader is in prison. What's going to happen to the Christian cause? Paul says, 12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. Don't be discouraged; we are not going backward but forwards.


The word "advance" is powerful and important in this passage.  Philippi was settled mainly by military veterans. The Greek word for "advance" was used for the advance of an army. Much as the veterans once put their lives on the line to advance the Roman Empire, now they can give their lives for a higher cause.


Surprisingly, his imprisonment and chains advanced the gospel. Chains can advance the gospel. What "chains" are you experiencing that might feel like they are keeping you from advancing the gospel?


None of us would have wanted to be incarcerated in a Roman prison.


And yet God often uses hardship to advance what really matters. You can inspire others with your example. Living for what matters, you can experience joy in chains. Paul does not rejoice for his chains but rejoices that Christ is being proclaimed through his chains. Paul shares two powerful ways his chains advanced the gospel. First, his chains increased visibility to his guards, who needed to know Christ. Second, Paul's chains advanced the gospel, increasing other Christians' confidence to share Christ.


[1]Estes, D. J. "Wisdom and Biblical Theology." Ed. Tremper Longman III and Peter Enns. Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings 2008: 854. Print.


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