Pride Month 2024: 5 Core Christian Values to Navigate Today's Complex Topics

Jun 13, 2024

Proverbs 13:10: "Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice."

"The wise are not the intelligentsia of Israelite society, but, as the Book of Proverbs makes clear, they were those whose lives were characterized by understanding, patience, diligence, trustworthiness, self-control, modesty, and similar virtues. In a word, the wise man was the God-fearing man; his wisdom lay not just in a static attitude of reverence, but rather in the conscious development of the mind toward wisdom in the context of reverence." [1]

Five Core Values Plus the Top One to Navigate Today's Complex Topics

Many Christians are confused about how to represent Jesus in the issues of our day, from racism to climate change to immigration to sexuality. Core Christian values can guide us no matter what the issue. They can guide you in Christian parenting, navigating Pride Month, and how to live with 100% truth and 100% grace.

Our number one value, far above all others, is that we are:

All About Jesus

We are all about Jesus and will not be distracted nor defined by controversies over any other topic or issue. About any issue, we ask how Jesus would respond. How can we point people to Christ through a cultural issue? Consider five core values: first,

All Welcome - Jesus Christ died on the cross to provide salvation for all people. All people are welcome in our homes and churches. We are people of grace who believe all humans should be treated justly. We offer God's grace to all people, to each person. Second,

All Real – All people are created in God's image and are marred by sin. We don't stand on a righteous pedestal looking down on others. We are all sinners. Third,

All Bible - People Guided by the Word; We believe the Bible is God's inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word. Whatever cultural issues arise, we evaluate them through the truth of God's Word. Fourth,

All In - People Holding Nothing Back; While we welcome every person to come to our church just as they are, none of us intends to stay the same. God wants us to grow, to mature, to develop. Christ calls each of us to obey all he commands. Fifth,

All Together – People United to Make a Difference; We are all part of the one body of Christ, share the one Spirit, and are children of one Father. We share one baptism and the one Lord's Supper. We unite for one mission and make every effort to stay unified, no matter our differences.

[1] Elwell, Walter A., and Barry J. Beitzel. "Wisdom, Wisdom Literature." Baker encyclopedia of the Bible 1988: 2149–2150. Print.


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