Pride Month 2024: Wisdom & Compassion in a Time of Sexual Questioning
Jun 06, 2024
Genesis 3:6: "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it."
"Wisdom is the quality of discerning what is true, what is ethically right, and what should be done in different situations." [1]
Grief and Compassion
I'm grieved for our children and grandchildren. They are growing up in a culture moving away from biblical truth. They are watching churches withhold grace from LGBTQ+ people. And they see Christians attacking each other over sexuality and gender issues. How sad. How confusing.
Often, because we are afraid or confused, we leave our kids without spiritual guidance on sexuality and gender. And yet, you can't ignore it when your six-year-old has a kid on their soccer team with two moms, when your fifth grader tells you that one of his friends says they are nonbinary, when your high schooler has friends who identify using terms you have never heard. Perhaps you worry that one day, your child might come out as gay, bisexual, trans, or nonbinary.
Fear fills these conversations with anger. Because of all the fear and pain, we can lose the heart of Jesus Christ. God calls us to follow Jesus, the sinless friend of sinners, to stand for truth without compromise, and to show grace without limit. But we need to learn how to do both in our families and in public.
As countries around the world celebrate Pride Month this month, I get that some of you are tired of hearing about LGBTQ+ awareness, but you can't put your head in the sand. You may fear a slippery slope that could cause your church to drift away from biblical convictions. That must not happen. You may worry whether your children or grandchildren would be wanted at your church. I hope that they are.
My heart goes out to those of you who identify as LGBTQ+ or one of your kids or family members who does. You may worry about whether you really want to be at your own church. You wonder if it's safe to let Christians know about yourself or your kids. I am so sorry for the rejection that too many people have experienced from churches and Christian families.
We desperately need God's wisdom, compassion, and empathy to navigate these times.
[1] Nettelhorst, R. P. “Wisdom.” Ed. Douglas Mangum et al. Lexham Theological Wordbook 2014: n. pag. Print. Lexham Bible Reference Series.
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